
752O-291970-11-232Pencil drawing of waterlines, lines and frames
326O-291971/02/113Design of frame for keel arrangement in hull
743O-295/1/19704Pencil drawing frames 1 – 5
748O-291970-11-135Keel design
753O-294/10/19756Keel design with offset table for casting
754O-294/10/19757Rudder and engine arrangement for VP MD 10A/100S
762O-291970-11-238Lines with different keel design versions
767O-299/29/19709Offset table for frames
749O-291970-11-2310Rudder design
330O-291971/01/2911Propeller shaft arragement
778O-2910/1/196912Keel Design II
772O-291970-11-1913Rudder stock
769O-291970-11-1714Cabin and deck frames
766O-2910/1/196915Waterlines, frames sideview
745O-2910/27/197016Offset tablle at rudder, frames 1- 6, and engine mounts
739O-2912/11/197017Deck lay-out
327O-291969/11/0118Construction drawing with deck foam arrangement
328O-291971/09/1019Keel design
760O-2912/11/197020Deck lay-out
747O-2910/1/196921Accomodation plan looking from top, to port and at stations
742O-2910/1/196922Pencil drawing side view
780O-291970-12-2823Floating marks
741O-29u.å.24Sail plan with measures
757O-298/9/197925Side view and deck lay-out for modified version
756O-298/9/197926Keel and rudder design for modified version
755O-298/9/197927Pencil drawing for modification
758O-293/18/197528Rudder and engine design for racing version
761O-293/18/197529Keel design and offset table for modified for racing version
779O-291970-12-2230Bunk beneath starboard cockpit side
774O-291/5/197131Design of bunks in cabin
773O-291970-11-1732Hull-deck joint arrangement
775O-2912/1/197033Foredeck hatch design
776O-291/25/197134Hatch design at companionway
777O-2912/2/197035Beveling of cockpit seats
770O-291/5/197136Bunks at station 4 and 6
771O-291970-12-2837Tiller arrangement nd tiller extension, cockpit coamings
768O-2912/10/197038Cockpit draines
781O-2910/9/197439Keel mountong for Winga Yard
738O-29 / Winga 291970-11-171Pencil drawing of waterlines, lines and frames